How do you get more patients in your rehab care clinic?

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“How do I attract more patients to my rehab care clinic?”

“How do I make the existing rehabilitative care more interesting and exciting to patients?”

These are the common questions coming from rehabilitative care professionals, including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and hand therapists.

We can offer you suggestions to both of your concerns

Healthcare digital marketing can potentially help you to attract more patients to your clinic.,

And the answer to the second question is Gamification. Yes, Integration of Gamification in rehab care therapy helps you to make the therapeutic process engaging and exciting to patients. Gamification and biofeedback technology not only make rehabilitative care engaging but also improve patient adherence to treatment, leveraging the optimum therapeutic outcome.

We hope these answers seem convincing to you.

Let’s talk about them one by one. We promise this article is going to be worth-reading for you with full of valuable information. So, stay with us till the end!

Healthcare digital marketing; A Smart approach to attract a greater number of patients to rehab care clinic

Healthcare digital marketing is the easiest approach to drive more clients into your clinic. This marketing approach will help you to connect with potential clients worldwide, crossing demographic boundaries.

Now patients have become more interested in learning about rehabilitation programs before scheduling an appointment. Thus, having a dedicated medical website is mandatory for patient education. It’ll work as your personal healthcare brand.

Now your next job is to promote your brand with the help of healthcare digital marketing. This virtual marketing strategy can attract business to your rehab care clinic in many ways. Digital marketers use result-driven approaches, including SEO, PPC, email marketing, and social media marketing, to promote your brand online, and consequently, you’ll receive potential patients organically.

A smart healthcare digital marketing strategy helps your brand to stand out from the crowd, increase brand awareness, and attract website traffic-all of them are essential to gain more patients at your clinic

A healthcare digital marketing agency mainly implements the following pathways to establish your healthcare brand, including:

  • SEO
  • PPC
  • Social media marketing
  • Email-marketing

SEO is the first pillar of digital marketing. SEO experts work on your website to rank higher on the search engine result page and get more traffic organically (which can be converted into your business in future)

Next, highly optimized PPC ads target the patients already seeking your services in a particular location, whereas, social media marketing helps you to connect with potential clients in a less formal setting.

Again, email marketing is a smart strategy to follow- up your patients, stay connected with them, and make them aware of your medical services and any other facilities you provide. (A great way to remain in their mind always)

Make your rehab care practice more exciting with Gamification technology

Before going deep drive into the topic, let’s define Gamification first,

Simply put, Gamification is the application of game components in a non-entertainment context to increase users’ engagement.

The main reason is that the game adds extra motivation in a therapeutic context and makes a boring rehab care session interesting. Gamification sets a meaningful goal and motivates patients to engage with a particular therapeutic program. It helps the patient to adhere to long-term rehab sessions consistently. Even now, advanced Gamified technology is able to provide immediate feedback and show achievement indicators that transform a patient from passive to active participant.

How does Gamification work? The actual mechanism

Gamification stimulates our brain by activating the reward-related dopaminergic system, which facilitates learning through a long-term potential for neural connection

Gamification facilitates neural learning by dopamine release.

The internal process of neural learning positively influences the therapeutic intervention by working on human behavior and actual biological outcomes. It triggers the most powerful behavior, “MOTIVATION,” which is basically the reason for the engagement in a particular activity constantly.

Benefits of adding Gamification in your rehab care session:

  • Gamification adds excitement to a mundane rehab regime and makes it exciting and enjoyable to patients without impacting its effectiveness.
  • Increases patient compliance and adherence to the long-term training session
  • Motivates patients to remain consistent in their therapy session and leverages the expected outcome from it
  • Sets a personalized goal and links it to the everyday therapeutic sessions, then motivates the patient to achieve them, which has a significant positive impact on regular adherence to rehabilitation treatment
  • Additionally, it can also minimize tiredness and boredom associated with a regular rehab exercise regime by adding good entertainment into it.

Squegg’s in app activities are based on the concept of gamification with the objective of increasing the motivation of the patients. It is a smart digital grip strengthener, very different from a conventional grip strengthener. It not only assesses and tracks but also helps to improve patients’ grip. Squegg is integrated with in-app games & fun exercises, which make the hand therapy exercise super exciting. Many hand therapists worldwide highly recommend this product because of its effectiveness.

So, Try out Squegg! and let your patients enjoy your grip training activities in hand therapy.


  1. Gamification in Physical Therapy: More Than Using Games- By Pediatric Physical Therapy Journal(

  2. How Gamification can Increase engagement in daily therapy(

  3. The impact of marketing strategies in healthcare systems (

  4. Marketing best practices for cultivating rehab clients (

  5. Gamification in Physical therapy: Everybody wins (

Cook Her A Delicious Meal

Gift your Mom a day off from the kitchen by preparing some of her favorite dishes: breakfast in bed or a nice, cozy family dinner. Want to kick it up a notch? Clean the utensils and kitchen floor post the meal while she feels comfortable and relaxed.

Create A Handmade Mother’s Day Card

Handcrafted cards are a great way of conveying genuine gratitude and affection. Instead of getting a ready-made printed card, give it a personal touch by writing about how thankful you are for all that she has done for you.

Make A Photo Collage

On a good quality cut out paper, collect some old photos that have sentimental value to her. Artistically paste them and give subtle highlights to make them aesthetic and pleasing to the eyes. Gift the collage to your Mom and notice how her eyes light up!

A Full Body Check-up, To Ensure She is Fit

Moms are usually so caught up in family matters that they completely ignore their health. As a loving child, take the initiative and convince her to have a full-body check- up. Spend some quality time with her by going for a walk and a nice little chat. Let her feel blissful and adored on this special day

Gift Her A Healthy Lifestyle With Squegg

Handgrip level is a vital parameter for your Mom’s muscle strength. Gift her the goodness of a compact, ergonomic, and durable smart device for grip training via Squegg. This gesture is the perfect way for elevating her lifestyle and telling her that you care for her health and wellbeing.

Squegg App Latest Version Is Here

Squegg is a product that has been designed to be fun, convenient, and engaging. It’s compact and user-friendly. The app is an integral part of the Squegg experience. And hence, it was of prime importance that we get the app updated and ready to go!

Grip Strength As A Biomarker

Grip strength has always been an overlooked area. Even the topmost fitness enthusiasts fail to put enough importance on this matter. Most people are concerned with the physical training of other body parts yet grip training is rarely included in that.

How Can Squegg Smart Grip Trainer Help In Busting Stress?

Handgrip exercises using a squeeze ball can stimulate & contract your nerves and muscles thereby strengthening them. This activity, in turn, benefits the functioning of your nervous system and releases hormones that eliminate stress.

Strengthen Your Hold on Blood Pressure With Squegg

Isometric exercises that require you to apply tension on a particular muscle group lead to significant improvement in BP levels. As per Considerable, An experiment conducted at the Miami University showcased improved BP regulation in people who performed grip exercises.