Artificial Intelligence in physical therapy, occupational therapy; Cool application with an outstanding outcome

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Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are constantly improving their technologies, especially in the healthcare and therapeutic field.

Medical science is taking the advantages of rapid growing artificial intelligence to deliver better and more quantifiable treatment.


Presently Physiotherapy and occupational therapy leverage the full potential of Artificial intelligence to streamline their treatment procedure and provide more satisfactory rehabilitation. The application of artificial intelligence in these two fields is really worthwhile, with promising results. That’s why artificial intelligence has become top-notch technology in the medical field.

If you’re a therapist (Physiotherapist/ Occupational therapist/ Hand therapist), then this article is worth reading for you.


It is because the article is about the application of artificial intelligence in your field and how it would help you provide better treatment to your patients.

What do you get to learn from this article?

  • Practical application of AI in Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Hand therapy
  • Get to know about its precision level
  • How Can AI make your job easy yet more effective?
  • How do AI-powered technologies save your time?

If you think the above information will help you further, read the article till the end.

Why Artificial intelligence has become so popular in the rehab care field

Before deep-diving into the topic, we would like to define “Artificial Intelligence.”

A small brief about Artificial intelligence helps you understand the topic vividly.

So, let’s define artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is an integral part of computer science; able to do tasks that usually demand human intelligence, including visual perception, decision making, language and speech recognition, and translation between languages.

New generation computers are now developed with a combination of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics, making them eligible to learn and think without an explicit program.

AI follows these four approaches:

  • Think humanly
  • Think rationally
  • Acting humanly
  • Acting rationally

Medical science uses artificial intelligence to make the diagnosis and treatment more result-oriented, less time-consuming, and successful.

Now let’s cover the main topic: The implementation of AI in rehabilitation therapy.

When amalgamated with artificial intelligence, rehabilitation therapy such as physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, or hand therapy creates wonder. AI-powered therapy comes with a sixth-sigma level of precision that human therapy can’t achieve.

AI-integrated therapy offers quantifiable feedback and detects real-time progress because it catches tiny movements which can’t be seen through naked eyes. Therefore, therapists can deliver high-quality rehabilitative treatment in practical, measurable ways.

As a therapist, your main objective is to provide high-quality care and help your patients restore their independence, and Artificial intelligence makes the entire process smooth and effortless.

AI is pro at programming tasks, such as:

  • Collection and simplification of raw data
  •   Documenting and reporting data accurately
  • Sharing data between patient & therapist

Above mentioned tasks cost your time, but don’t worry; you can save your precious time with the application of artificial intelligence and invest them in treatment.

Get a more concise idea about AI benefits


In the next part, we’ll focus on AI-based applications in Physiotherapy & Occupational therapy.

Application of Artificial Intelligence in Physiotherapy

  • Presently physiotherapists use AI-based technology to improve recovery outcomes of patients, collect accurate and authentic data related to patient progress, and save time by eliminating monotonous tasks from their regular duty.

    Now, let’s have a look at a few famous AI-integrated software solutions for Physical therapy, and how they are applicable to boost patient recovery.

    Wireless motion tracker:

    A wireless motion tracker is a famous application of Artificial intelligence in Physical therapy. It is attached to the patient’s body. This tracker retrieves the data about where the patient’s limbs are in space during different movements. This information helps you understand the responsible misalignments so that you can adjust their movement pattern.

    AI-integrated robotic device:

    It has vast application in Physiotherapy, especially for upper extremity rehabilitation which covers hands, wrists, and forearms. Here AI takes inputs from robot devices and provides crucial data to the therapist.

    With this essential information, you can personalize your physiotherapy training effectively with the ensured result.

    REAL® System

    It is one of the most intriguing applications of artificial intelligence.

    REAL® System is an AI-based device that uses VR or virtual reality to train patients

    You can use this device in your treatment protocol. It would be more beneficial for functional tasks involved in your treatment plan.

Application of Artificial Intelligence in Occupational therapy

Artificial intelligence helps occupational therapists in many ways. Let’s talk about significant examples:

Assistive technology:

Now, many assistive devices are developed to support older adults. It is known as aging-in-place safety devices. It works like this:

The AI-based assistive device detects a patient who has a fall in their home with its sensor and immediately sends alerts to their family members (who are being enlisted). The Apple Watch is a typical example that detects falls.

As an occupational therapist, you must involve assistive technology in your rehab care program to maintain a high-level safety, especially for your injured elderly patient.

3 D printing

It became famous just after the COVID-19 pandemic. The AI-based 3-D printing technology makes mask comfort ear guards. A custom hand splint can be designed using 3D printing. It scans the particular part of the patient’s hand, draws up a design, then prints an accurate design for you, which in turn helps you make a customized hand splint for your patient.


We have talked about AI-based applications in Physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

We have something for hand therapists too.

Squegg has launched a Digital grip strengthener, it is a Bluetooth-enabled dynamometer more innovative than an analogue dynamometer.

We are exploring Artificial intelligence to further improve our product

However, this sophisticated device makes your job easy.


  1. It tracks the patient’s grip count,
  2. Evaluates grip strength,
  3.  Shares stats feature
  4. Increases patient participation and compliances.

Include the Squegg device in your treatment, and let your patients experience an outstanding outcome

Cook Her A Delicious Meal

Gift your Mom a day off from the kitchen by preparing some of her favorite dishes: breakfast in bed or a nice, cozy family dinner. Want to kick it up a notch? Clean the utensils and kitchen floor post the meal while she feels comfortable and relaxed.

Create A Handmade Mother’s Day Card

Handcrafted cards are a great way of conveying genuine gratitude and affection. Instead of getting a ready-made printed card, give it a personal touch by writing about how thankful you are for all that she has done for you.

Make A Photo Collage

On a good quality cut out paper, collect some old photos that have sentimental value to her. Artistically paste them and give subtle highlights to make them aesthetic and pleasing to the eyes. Gift the collage to your Mom and notice how her eyes light up!

A Full Body Check-up, To Ensure She is Fit

Moms are usually so caught up in family matters that they completely ignore their health. As a loving child, take the initiative and convince her to have a full-body check- up. Spend some quality time with her by going for a walk and a nice little chat. Let her feel blissful and adored on this special day

Gift Her A Healthy Lifestyle With Squegg

Handgrip level is a vital parameter for your Mom’s muscle strength. Gift her the goodness of a compact, ergonomic, and durable smart device for grip training via Squegg. This gesture is the perfect way for elevating her lifestyle and telling her that you care for her health and wellbeing.

Squegg App Latest Version Is Here

Squegg is a product that has been designed to be fun, convenient, and engaging. It’s compact and user-friendly. The app is an integral part of the Squegg experience. And hence, it was of prime importance that we get the app updated and ready to go!

Grip Strength As A Biomarker

Grip strength has always been an overlooked area. Even the topmost fitness enthusiasts fail to put enough importance on this matter. Most people are concerned with the physical training of other body parts yet grip training is rarely included in that.

How Can Squegg Smart Grip Trainer Help In Busting Stress?

Handgrip exercises using a squeeze ball can stimulate & contract your nerves and muscles thereby strengthening them. This activity, in turn, benefits the functioning of your nervous system and releases hormones that eliminate stress.

Strengthen Your Hold on Blood Pressure With Squegg

Isometric exercises that require you to apply tension on a particular muscle group lead to significant improvement in BP levels. As per Considerable, An experiment conducted at the Miami University showcased improved BP regulation in people who performed grip exercises.